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2024 Aurora Chess Club Championship Quick Junior

Last update 04.06.2024 05:48:50, Creator/Last Upload: Canada Chess Federation (Licence 5)

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Starting rank

1Strugach, VictoriaCAN984On (Blue Mountains)
2Kim, HughCAN935On (Newmarket)
3Li, JeffsonCAN927On (Mewmarket)
4Hu, RobertCAN924On (Richmond Hill)
5Farahani, ArianCAN854On (Aurora)
6Tam, SpencerCAN820On (Richmondhill)
7Zhou, Yuxuan (Bella)CAN799On (Richmond Hill)
8Li, AmbroseCAN761On (Richmond Hill)
9Rozen, JamesCAN750On (Aurora)
10Mouziri, KouroshCAN659
11Overbeek, SethCAN600
12Zhu, Zexiang(Jeffrey)CAN553On (Aurora)
13Mo, JiesenCAN490
14Nguyen, TristanCAN453
15Perera, SamsonCAN396
16Ajay, AditiCAN200
17Kattan, JohnyCAN150
18Hutcheon, LucasCAN105
19Wu, AdrianCAN100
20Cheung, XanderCAN1177On (Richmond Hill)
21Wang, BenjaminCAN807On (Richmond Hill)
22Issani, NoyaCAN333On (Markham)