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ŠKBranik-redni mesečni marec2024

Last update 31.03.2024 17:14:57, Creator/Last Upload: ZupeMiran

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
15Prevolsek, MihecSLO195170750
23Sostaric, DenisSLO198170748
36Cojhter, KarlSLO194870649
49Kirbis, MilanSLO189970647
54Lindner, MihaelSLO19736,50550,5
67Marovt, NejcSLO19375,50545
71Klampfer, MatjazSLO20135,50534
88Korze, DaniloSLO190550545,5
910Bajec, TomazSLO186250545,5
1011Fajfar, AntonSLO184950448
1112Vizovisek, SlavkoSLO184850442
122Mitrovic, BorisSLO19834,50449
1314Gorse Pihler, MihaSLO17884,50440,5
1413Zvekic, HajrudinSLO18024,50438
1521Kadunc, EnejSLO144440437
1619Znidaric, LinSLO158740334,5
1718Znidaric, SaraSLO160940330
1815Srebre, BenoSLO17433,50338
1916Vidonja, VladoSLO17003,50337
2023Partljic, Erih AntonSLO03,50335
2124Petek, BojanSLO03,50334
2217Grobotek, LiamSLO16433,50238,5
2325Vahen, TimSLO031335
2422Hocevar, JankoSLO030230
2520Znidaric, ZanSLO14722,50230,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)