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Šiaulių maratonas Nr.26

Last update 13.03.2024 18:42:12, Creator/Last Upload: Siauliu sporto m. "Dubysa"

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Starting rank

1AIMSer, Daniel12829404LTU2179
2Tamosaitis, Rimas12805394LTU2092
3Narmontas, Raimondas12801135LTU2044
4Kungys, Deivis12818844LTU1955
5Mikolavicius, Julius12846279LTU1949
6Alejunaite, Milda12841480LTU1806
7Pazarauskas, Sarunas12849251LTU1801
8Plaipa, Antanas12812390LTU1785
9Merniajev, Anatolijus12856568LTU1772
10Cepulis, Linartas12863505LTU1657
11Burkys, Jurgis12817279LTU1646
12Puzaras, Kristijonas12855073LTU1579
13Ser, Karina12846252LTU1577
14Kaplunas, Ilja12853968LTU1541
15Kaplunaite, Jore12851930LTU1463
16Cepulyte, VakareLTU1460
17Repsyte, MartynaLTU1441