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CONDEBA Ind Fem SEC Oficiales

Last update 13.03.2024 18:04:25, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrez para Monstruos

Starting rank list of players

5Rodríguez, Del Ángel Viaric NhaleyMEX1400Sec: Erich Fromm
4Arce, Mendoza Fernanda GuadalupeMEX0Sec. Castillo Franco
2Montenegro, Piña Jade VictoriaMEX0Sec. Benito Juarez
3Pérez, Figueroa SarahiMEX0Sec. Flores Magon
6Ríos, Vega Valentina JaquelineMEX0Sec. Nellie Campobello
1Soto, Ramirez Claudia JimenaMEX0Sec. 450