Ronda 8 se jugará el sábado 8 de junio a las 09:30

IV Obert Vila de Blanes 367116, 367118, 367120, 367121

Last update 04.05.2024 19:46:47, Creator/Last Upload: Luis E. Valle Maytin

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ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Playing schedule
Ranking crosstable after Round 3, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4/8 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3
GamesThere are 20 games available for download
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Ranking crosstable after Round 3

Rk.Name1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MKMartorell Aubanell Adria 55b1 22w1 10b1 4w35,0045,5
2FMValle Luis Leo 43b1 18w1 12b1 5w35,0045
Boix Redorta Roc 52b1 27w1 16b1 9w35,0045
Rex Torsten 46w1 23b1 21w1 1b35,0045
5CMNunez Lucero Francisco 68w1 32b1 26w1 2b34,003,54,5
6Valle Luis Liam 60b1 24w1 8b½ 17w2,54,254,56
7Ten Gomez Sergi 45b1 19w1 9b½ 8w2,54,254,55,5
8Smirnov Aleksandr 76b1 17w1 6w½ 7b2,53,254,54,5
9Casanovas Barniol Gerard 61w1 41b1 7w½ 3b2,53,2544,5
10Soldado Pastor Lucas 54b1 30w1 1w0 23b23,0056
11Alonso Gomez Raul 28b1 -0 59w1 19w23,004,55,5
12Camps Soler Jaume 62w1 37b1 2w0 21b22,504,55,5
13Pau Plana Albert 36b1 -0 51w1 27w22,5045
14MKSanchez Aguilar Arnau 51w1 -0 39b1 22w22,503,54,5
15Rodriguez Navarro Ivan 53w1 48b1 -0 24w22,004,55,5
16Otones Lopez Antonio 71w1 38b1 3w0 29b22,004,55
17Parramon Arimany Marc 56w1 8b0 49w1 6b22,0045
Gallardo Bernal Enric 64w1 2b0 46w1 31b22,0045
19Falomir Ballega Sergi 42w1 7b0 47w1 11b22,003,54,5
Carrasco Gomez Adahara 47w1 -0 54b1 -022,003,54,5
21Calle Munoz Rafael 79b1 33w1 4b0 12w21,504,54,5
22Ros Roger Alexandre 69w1 1b0 56w1 14b21,5044,5
Icart Pujol Elies 70b1 4w0 52b1 10w21,5044,5
24Carraminana Puig Jordi 67w1 6b0 41w1 15b21,503,54
25Shchurenko Serhii -0 66w1 43b1 30w21,5033,5
26Gonzalez Rodriguez Josep Antoni 78b1 40w1 5b0 28w21,0044,5
27Alonso Gomez Antonio 80w1 3b0 53w1 13b21,0044
28Bernardez Rodriguez Jaime 11w0 74b1 44w1 26b21,0044
29Martinez Rocamora Didac 74w1 -0 40b1 16w21,003,53,5
Recuero Gomez Miguel Angel 84w1 10b0 57w1 25b21,003,53,5
31Gonzalez Moreno Antoni 40b0 75w1 50b1 18w21,002,53
32Comas Molne Pau 65b1 5w0 35b½ 36w1,51,7556
33Jorda Garcia Carles 59w1 21b0 38w½ 35b1,51,753,54,5
34Forca Soler Marti -0 58b1 37w½ 44b1,51,753,54,5
35Romero Kovina Daniel -0 69b1 32w½ 33w1,51,253,54
36Otones Lopez Josep Maria 13w0 42b½ 66w1 32b1,51,003,54
37Giro Castellet Esteve 81b+ 12w0 34b½ -01,50,7545
38Ambros Pastor Alberto Alejandro 82b1 16w0 33b½ 39w1,50,753,53,5
39Garcia Garrido Ferran 66b½ 77w+ 14w0 38b1,50,253,54
40Montoro I Ibanez Eric 31w1 26b0 29w0 46b12,004,56,5
41Egusquiza Petrakovicova Erik -1 9w0 24b0 56b11,504,55,5
42Hansen Ferrer Mark B. 19b0 36w½ 45b½ 52w11,253,54,5
43Carbo Marti Jordi 2w0 64b1 25w0 63b11,005,56,5
44Rueda Medina Alex -0 65w1 28b0 34w11,0045
45Vidal Grases Frederic 7w0 67b½ 42w½ 47b10,753,54,5
46El Ouahi Meziani Mohamed 4b0 73w1 18b0 40w10,5055,5
47Fabregas Lloveras Jaime 20b0 72w1 19b0 45w10,504,55,5
48Otones Pacheco Juan 73b1 15w0 -0 64b10,504,55
49Delgado Bertaina Daniel Orlando -0 70w1 17b0 61w10,5044,5
Salinas Sellas Abel -0 71b1 31w0 53b10,5044,5
51Anaya Mendoza Joel 14b0 79w1 13b0 62w10,0055
Besalu Justicia Pere 3w0 80b1 23w0 42b10,0055
53Barberan Costa Eloi 15b0 82w1 27b0 50w10,004,54,5
Delgado Brugue Daniel 10w0 84b1 20w0 55b10,004,54,5
55Radionov Gleb 1w0 -0 79b1 54w10,004,54,5
56Fontan Siver Carles 17b0 83w1 22b0 41w10,0044,5
Gonzalez Mas Joel -0 78w1 30b0 -010,0044,5
58Salinas Sellas Cai -0 34w0 75b1 60b10,0044,5
59Taberner Calvet Pedro 33b0 76w1 11b0 65w10,0044
60Pau Ferrer Quirze 6w0 -0 76b1 58w10,0044
Sanchez Rios Hilario 9b0 -0 74w1 49b10,0044
62Medina Barbero Pere 12b0 -0 80w1 51b10,003,53,5
Durlan Gaztanaga Julen -0 -0 82b1 43w10,003,53,5
64Carre Rodriguez Rafael 18b0 43w0 83b1 48w10,0033,5
65Hernandez Cortes Asier 32w0 44b0 84w1 59b10,0033
66Morales Noguera Sebastian 39w½ 25b0 36b0 72w0,50,7545
67Lyubchenko Evgeny 24b0 45w½ -0 71b0,50,503,54,5
68Carrasco Gomez Ariadna 5b0 -0 69w½ 70b0,50,254,55
69Villar Sanchez Borja 22b0 35w0 68b½ 73w0,50,2545
70Alabart Paytubi Josep 23w0 49b0 72b½ 68w0,50,253,54,5
71Naranjo Pena David 16b0 50w0 73b½ 67w0,50,253,54
72Sojo Jimenez Toni -0 47b0 70w½ 66b0,50,2533,5
73Shustov Lev 48w0 46b0 71w½ 69b0,50,252,53
74Tarrago Tomas Ferran 29b0 28w0 61b0 75w00,004,56
75Sales Artigas Nil -0 31b0 58w0 74b00,0045,5
76Planas Benavente Sara 8w0 59b0 60w0 78b00,0045
77Radionov Vasily -0 39b- -0 -000,003,54,5
Puig Vila Esteve 26w0 57b0 -0 76w00,003,54,5
Espadero Roda Francesc 21w0 51b0 55w0 84b00,003,54,5
Jimeno San Jose Luis 27b0 52w0 62b0 83w00,003,54,5
Srimal Robin 37w- -0 -0 -000,003,54,5
Suazo Karmanov Bastian 38w0 53b0 63w0 -000,003,54,5
83Serrano Lopez Fernando -0 56b0 64w0 80b00,0034
Santos Bernabe Izan 30b0 54w0 65b0 79w00,0034

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)