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Tirunelveli District Chess Championship 2024 (Under - 13 Girls)

Last update 10.03.2024 10:45:01, Creator/Last Upload: Rishi Chess Academy

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Starting rank

1Aji, Shree A33315639IND1515Palayamkottai
2Sai, Durga K33404666IND1483Palayamkottai
3Vinishaa, A33319022IND1467Palayamkottai
4Mathumetha, G33310874IND1423Tirunelveli
5Aadhira, V88180085IND0Palayamkottai
6Arshitha, SIND0Palayamkottai
7Indhu, Nandhine A K48775380IND0Palayamkottai
8Indhu, Niranjane A K48775398IND0Palayamkottai
9Jewellita, Blessy IIND0Palayamkottai
10Keici, Karunyaa FIND0Tirunelveli
11Madhura, V88150216IND0Palayamkottai
12Mahalakshmi, S33384401IND0Tirunelveli
14Pondhiya, S48732184IND0Tirunelveli
15Sesha, Mithra E48700606IND0Tirunelveli
16Shifalini, AIND0Tirunelveli
17Sri, Ramalakshmi R88118495IND0Palayamkottai
18Vedhika, Laxmi R J429001277IND0Ambasamudram