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POCETAK U 13.30 cas.

Rasinski okrug, pojedinacno 3 Razred - M3

Last update 09.03.2024 19:28:33, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Starting rank list of players

1Knezevic, Antonije 3rSRB1000Nada popovic - Krusevac
2Milenkovic, Pavle 3rSRB990Čajka - Trstenik
3Tonic, Pavle 3rSRB990Nada Popovic - Krusevac
4Veskovac, Vojin 3rSRB980Čajka - Trstenik
5Zivkovic, Tadija 3rSRB980Nada Popovic - Krusevac
6Aleksic, Vukan 3rSRB970Nada Popovic - Krusevac
7Todorovic, Kosta 3rSRB970Ž. Apostolovic - Trstenik