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Sharjah Challengers 2024

Last update 22.05.2024 17:35:32, Creator/Last Upload: Sharjah Chess Club

Player overview for SRI

22IMLiyanage Ranindu Dilshan2352SRI½11½½½1½05,519Challengers

Results of the last round for SRI

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMLiyanage Ranindu Dilshan2352 0 - 1 Wang Yanbin2415

Player details for SRI

IM Liyanage Ranindu Dilshan 2352 SRI Rp:2353 Pts. 5,5
170FMAbdulrahman Mohammad Al Taher2016UAE4s ½
268Zhou Shumeng2045CHN4w 1
362Mukund Hemant Agarwal2096IND5w 1
42GMDelgado Ramirez Neuris2483PAR6s ½
53GMBurmakin Vladimir2480RUS6,5s ½
69IMMohammad Fahad Rahman2431BAN5,5w ½
766Alhassadi Yousef A.2066LBA4,5s 1
811IMSuyarov Mukhammadzokhid2429UZB5,5w ½
912Wang Yanbin2415CHN6,5w 0