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7th Sharjah Masters 2024

Last update 22.05.2024 17:22:30, Creator/Last Upload: Sharjah Chess Club

Player overview for GRE

37GMTheodorou Nikolas2616GRE110½½0½014,537Masters
14GMGrivas Efstratios2396GRE½10½½½110537Challengers

Results of the last round for GRE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMBharath Subramaniyam H2544 0 - 1 GMTheodorou Nikolas2616
FMHakobyan Erik23355 1 - 05 GMGrivas Efstratios2396

Player details for GRE

GM Theodorou Nikolas 2616 GRE Rp:2618 Pts. 4,5
181GMSamant Aditya S2499IND4w 1
21GMErigaisi Arjun2761IND6w 1
314GMNiemann Hans Moke2688USA5,5s 0
43GMYu Yangyi2728CHN6w ½
525GMMendonca Leon Luke2640IND5s ½
62GMMaghsoodloo Parham2732IRI6s 0
779IMMadaminov Mukhiddin2504UZB4,5w ½
887IMGholami Orimi Mahdi2470IRI5s 0
963GMBharath Subramaniyam H2544IND3,5s 1
GM Grivas Efstratios 2396 GRE Rp:2221 Pts. 5
162Mukund Hemant Agarwal2096IND5s ½
260Daksh Jain2101IND3,5w 1
335IMKanyamarala Tarun2301IRL4s 0
464Abdulkarimli Eljan2070AZE4w ½
552Ajay Santhosh Parvathareddy2174IND4,5s ½
668Zhou Shumeng2045CHN4w ½
750FMBorisova Ekaterina2181RUS5s 1
838FMPeycheva Gergana2295BUL4,5w 1
927FMHakobyan Erik2335ARM6s 0