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7th Sharjah Masters 2024

Last update 22.05.2024 17:22:30, Creator/Last Upload: Sharjah Chess Club

Player overview for FRA

34GMMaurizzi Marc`andria2617FRA½1½½½½½½½522Masters

Results of the last round for FRA

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMMaurizzi Marc`andria2617 ½ - ½ GMSevian Samuel2698

Player details for FRA

GM Maurizzi Marc`andria 2617 FRA Rp:2666 Pts. 5
178GMBlohberger Felix2505AUT5s ½
280GMDronavalli Harika2503IND1,5w 1
33GMYu Yangyi2728CHN6s ½
484GMIniyan Pa2493IND5,5w ½
523GMNguyen Thai Dai Van2649CZE5,5s ½
625GMMendonca Leon Luke2640IND5w ½
77GMArtemiev Vladislav2705FID5s ½
815GMSindarov Javokhir2684UZB5,5w ½
910GMSevian Samuel2698USA5w ½