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1st BC Chess Trials HS B Section

Last update 04.03.2024 06:10:39, Creator/Last Upload: Ashley Vermaak

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Starting rank

1Planga, KungawoRSA1414
2Manqunyana, LupheloRSA1340
3Balura, TumiRSA1332
4Mathew, NoelRSA1293
5Maseti, AzoRSA1286
6Mafukidze, ArnoldRSA1253
7Ntisana, NikholweRSA1231
8Fricke, LeonRSA1230
9Ntongana, Ndalo-EntleRSA1202
10Coetzee, TristanRSA1200
11Ndlebe, YoyisaRSA1200
12Mtheleli, SandanathiRSA1196
13Madikazi, NdikhokeleRSA1195
14Hannan, TroyRSA1179
15Goba, WandileRSA1174
16Bushe, LuthandoRSA1166
17Ansah, Blessing Yaa AkRSA1157
18Mvubu, SikuyoRSA1144
19Hashe, QhaweRSA1131
20Ndlebe, IvileRSA1129
21Ntlombe, AkohlulwaRSA1100
22Ansah, GodblessRSA0
23Bahle, MahobeRSA0
24Buqa, lingomsoRSA0
25Finca, OyintandoRSA0
26Kweta, InathiRSA0
27Magosa, TyaphaRSA0
28MAgqo, ZingceRSA0
29MAzele, YolisaRSA0
30Mbona, SalizwaRSA0
31MOndise, IminamRSA0
32Ndlamhlaba, ZusakheRSA0
33Ngxoma, IkhoRSA0
34Snyman, BooysenRSA0
35Tshazibana, LibonaRSA0
36Xaso, AsenathiRSA0