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21st Bangkok Chess Club Open 2024

Last update 21.04.2024 09:45:36, Creator/Last Upload: by IA Panupand Vijjuprabha

Player overview for VIE

18FMPham Tran Gia Phuc2423VIE1111½½½½½6,511100,60Open
24FMBanh Gia Huy2400VIE110½10½1½5,54010-21,10Open
48CMDinh Nho Kiet2245VIE1111½½0016254079,60Open
91Duong Vu Anh2039VIE10101½½015834030,80Open
102WIMNguyen Thien Ngan2007VIE100000000122220-1,40Open

Results of the last round for VIE

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypFEDRtg No.
FMPham Tran Gia PhucU18VIE24236 ½ - ½6 GMSengupta DeepIND2500
FMBanh Gia HuyU18VIE24005 ½ - ½5 Ajay Santhosh PU18IND2170
CMDinh Nho KietU18VIE22455 1 - 05 FMKo Ko OhnS50MYA2107
Duong Vu AnhU18VIE20394 1 - 04 Shanmathi Sree SU18IND1801
WIMNguyen Thien NganVIE20071 0 not paired  

Player details for VIE

FM Pham Tran Gia Phuc 2423 VIE Rp:2379 Pts. 6,5
1130Attwood James1926AUS4,5w 1100,80
281Majumder Shrayan2070IND5,5s 1101,10
355FMWinkelman Albert2199AUS6w 1102,20
493Shahar Uzair2035MAS5,5s 1100,90
592Cao Qingfeng2038CHN5,5w ½10-4,10
648CMDinh Nho Kiet2245VIE6s ½10-2,30
725FMDanilenko Dmitriy2400UKR6w ½10-0,30
87GMLalit Babu M R2508IND6,5s ½101,20
99GMSengupta Deep2500IND6,5w ½101,10
FM Banh Gia Huy 2400 VIE Rp:2164 Pts. 5,5
1137Nambiar Vivek1911IND4w 1100,80
285FMMuhammed Shuaau2060MDV4s 1101,20
393Shahar Uzair2035MAS5,5w 010-9,00
487Kao Jamison Edrich2059HKG6s ½10-3,80
582CMCu Ivan Travis2069PHI6w 1101,20
633IMRitviz Parab2346IND6,5s 010-5,80
789FMTeerapabpaisit Wisuwat2053THA5w ½10-3,90
890Canino Ruelle2051PHI5s 1101,10
963Ajay Santhosh P2170IND5,5w ½10-2,90
CM Dinh Nho Kiet 2245 VIE Rp:2406 Pts. 6
1162Broeder Hans-Gert1860GER1,5w 1403,60
2109Macaspac Arthur1981USA3,5s 1407,20
313IMQuizon Daniel2441PHI6,5w 14030,00
427Sek Konstantin2397FID5,5s 14028,00
532FMChernyavsky Alexander2354FID6,5w ½406,00
618FMPham Tran Gia Phuc2423VIE6,5w ½409,20
72GMPranesh M2538IND6,5s 040-6,00
817IMBersamina Paulo2424PHI6,5s 040-10,80
971FMKo Ko Ohn2107MYA5w 14012,40
Duong Vu Anh 2039 VIE Rp:2109 Pts. 5
1205Shen Ree Yang1734MAS4s 1405,60
232FMChernyavsky Alexander2354FID6,5w 040-5,60
3170Umer S.M1840IND4s 1409,60
434FMBacojo Mark Jay2346PHI5,5w 040-5,60
5179Bae Sungwoo1810KOR3,5s 1408,40
656IMCannon David2195AUS5w ½408,40
741Anustoop Biswas2284IND5w ½4012,00
849WGMEnkhtuul Altan-Ulzii2233MGL5,5s 040-10,00
9182Shanmathi Sree S1801IND4w 1408,00
WIM Nguyen Thien Ngan 2007 VIE Rp:1958 Pts. 1
1217Prakash Vaishnavi1625IND4w 1201,80
238FMXie Felix2291NZL5w 020-3,20
3183Sri Akhil Prasad1801IND4- 0K
4170Umer S.M1840IND4- 0K
5175Nizzardo Mattia1821ITA3,5- 0K
6-not paired- --- 0
7-not paired- --- 0
8-not paired- --- 0
9-not paired- --- 0