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Cape Town Metro Schools Chess Closed Individuals 2024 U13 Boys

Last update 03.03.2024 19:59:27, Creator/Last Upload: Armand Etzebeth

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Starting rank

1Shapiro, MatthewRSA1441
2Salimu, ChaseRSA1419
3Strydom, HenrouxRSA1398
4Singh, ShauryaRSA1310
5Smith, ZionRSA1286
6Guo, AleksRSA1230
7Braaf, JordanRSA1195
8Maruma, KamogeloRSA1120
9Muller, HelgardRSA1116
10Moodley, KartarRSA1065
11Priestley, LiamRSA1054
12Lee, ShakoorRSA1053
13Ngidi, NdumisoRSA1031
14Matima, AidenRSA1001
15Edwards, IsraelRSA988
16Pfaff, RubenRSA928
17Zheng, YiRSA923
18Minnaar, AdriaanRSA893
19Shasha, IyandaRSA883
20Siteto, LindokuhleRSA871
21Shaw, OliverRSA858
22Combrink, ChristopherRSA853
23Adolf, FeraydoRSA841
24Yoon, Yea JunRSA832
25Berry, SethRSA821
26Bassier, MaymoonRSA820
27Conradie, MichaelRSA820
28Faure, DouglasRSA819
29Benjamin, CrushionRSA809
30Haman, RicoRSA804
31Sher, JonahRSA803
32Onyire, PrinceRSA798
33Adamski, EddieRSA797
34Williams, Cam'ronRSA795
35Miller, KaidenRSA785
36Jansen, RileyRSA772
37Musakwa, CarltonRSA770
38Wyngaard, ShilohRSA761
39Morrison, LiamRSA722
40Meissenheimer, KyleRSA694
41Schultz, OliverRSA686
42Damane, LukhanyoRSA665
43Kruger, DawidRSA656
44Bessesen, JoakimRSA650
45Issel, YaeeshRSA622
46Stock, ZackRSA581
47Schultz, TorstenRSA550
48Bailey, ZackRSA543
49Vokwana, LikhonaRSA505
50Dantie, Abdul-MuizzRSA503
51Arendse, EvanRSA0
52Blumenthal, ZacRSA0
53Bowman, LianRSA0
54Claasen, UthanRSA0
55Fourie, OliverRSA0
56Gordon, ByronRSA0
57Naude, LianRSA0
58Okonji, JoshuaRSA0
59Pennell, KristianRSA0
60Pieterse, Matthew GreeneRSA0
61Troskie, GerhardRSA0