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2024 Tshwane Chess AHS Open Chess Tournament E Section

Last update 24.02.2024 17:57:34, Creator/Last Upload: Renè Pienaar (de Beer)

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Starting rank

1Wiehahn, LukeRSA615
2Viljoen, Jayden Johan14384124RSA611
3Niebuhr, HanneloreRSA599
4Rocher, GideonRSA597
5Whittaker, LillianRSA595
6Lekalakala, Tshimologo14389126RSA591
7Rakubutu, PabatsoRSA579
8Roos, BenjaminRSA563
9Koorts, LukasRSA559
10Rizvi, ZaraRSA557
11Westermann, ZelriRSA532
12Ebersohn, ChristiaanRSA520
13Jansen Van Vuuren, GriffinRSA514
14Haupt, NiaRSA500
15Pistorius, Amberley-RoseRSA500
16Bosch Dippenaar, BenjaminRSA0
17Li, BenjaminRSA0
18Mandyu, DineoRSA0
19Matjila, GosiameRSA0
20Rousseau, SebastienRSA0
21Yahiaoui, ArezkiRSA0
22Zhu, HengyuRSA0