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Campionat Individual d’edats actius Territorial de Barcelona 2024- SUB14

Darrera actualització09.03.2024 20:24:40, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Mireia Ramon Herraez

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Rànquing inicial

1Prada Villagrasa, Pau Manel2110Societat Coral Colon Sabadell
2AFMSergooris, Danail Jurgen1880Granollers-Canovelles
3Marin Ripoll, Marti1876Gran Penya Vilanova C.E.
4Zhang, Ying Jun Xiong1874Tres Peons C.E.
5Puerto Fernandez, Eloi1826Llinars, Club D'escacs
6Puiggene Pascual, Arnau1752Sant Andreu C.E.
7Garcia Iahn, Nil1738Olesa C.E.
8Poyan Cobelli, Alex1724Palleja, Club Escacs
9Lopez Garriga, Mateu1701Tres Peons C.E.
10Perez De Guzman Brandt, Rodrigo1570Tres Peons C.E.
11Sales Artigas, Nil1569Llinars, Club D'escacs
12Jimenez Gimeno, Marcel1548Granollers-Canovelles
13Gomez Rodriguez, Nil1540Hortenc, Ateneu Cultural C.E.
14Orellana Cipres, Adria1540Sant Esteve, C.E.
15Losada Secanella, Mateu1536Tres Peons C.E.
16Gomez Garcia, Iker1528Sant Adria C.E.
17Kesmiris Banuelos, Pol1528Ateneu Colon C.E.
18Escalante Alsina, Ulisses1520Tres Peons C.E.
19Balague Ribalta, Marti1515Catalunya E.C.
20Semenov, Henri-Alexander Spencer1513Associació Cultural Armenia De
21Rodriguez Sanz, Oscar1498Casino Santfeliuenc
22Membrive Vargas, Gerard1480Catalonia-Joviat E.
23Uddin Khanam, Ayan1466Gramenet Club Escacs
24Lin, Jiaxiang1463Olesa C.E.
25Vidal Hernandez, Didac1456Cornella C.E.
26Forca Soler, Marti1455Llinars, Club D'escacs
27Grau Sousa, Nicolas1445Casino Santfeliuenc
28Toscano Gaviria, Mateo1430Gramenet Club Escacs
29Guardiola Morancho, Marc1421Ateneu Colon C.E.
30Quintana Gener, Pol1418Tres Peons C.E.
31Ramos Rodrigalvarez, Asier1388El Prat, C.E.
32Martinez Marcos, Erik1385Igualada - Ateneu
33Llop Romeo, Tanit1371Ateneu Colon C.E.