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1. Laimer WoE-Turnier (1. Vormeisterkl.)

Last update 24.02.2024 11:03:14, Creator/Last Upload: Swiss-Chess 327052

Starting rank list of players

1Siebenwirth, Christian34638083GER1889SG Schwabing München Nord e.V.
2Straub, Jochen24699969GER1723TSV Poing
3Moser, Andreas24627178GER1697Schachfreunde München e.V.
4Baumann, Dominik34669086GER1547TSV Forstenried
5Pachmayr, Stefan356285791GER1480SF Dachau 1932 e.V.
6Jose, Kevin34673105GER1330SV Friedrichshafen