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Prvenstvo Novog Sada u ubrzanom sahu za februar mesec

Last update 02.02.2024 23:17:55, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
15Divljan, BorisaBIH20616,530,5270
22Kovacevic, DragisaSRB21705,531,5280
311Mijic, SaraSRB1801527270
41FMBrajic, MilojeSRB21764,531280
58Pasula, MilosSRB19334,529,526,50
619Todorovic, NebojsaSRB15674,526230
716Andric, PavleSRB15994,524,5220
87Sajic, VeliborSRB1950429260
915Ivanovic, LeonidSRB168242623,50
104Parnicki, ZlatkoSRB206942421,51
1117Bilic, MihajloSRB158942421,50
1212Lalic, NikolaSRB17723,53128,50
1310Jovanovic, IlijaSRB18123,528,5260
146Grujic, DanijelaSRB19953,52623,50
1518Cirovic, MilankoSRB15853,522,522,50
163IMDragojlovic, AndjelkoSRB215532723,50
1714Strbac, NemanjaSRB1699324230
1820Bilic, JovanSRB1470321,520,50
1925Grujic, AleksandarSRB1334321210
2024Ubiparip, JovanSRB1376316160
2113Jovicic, JovanSRB17282,522,521,50
2227Vesetskaia, EseniiaSRB02,522,520,50
2322Djerman, UrosSRB14112,518,518,50
2426Zhiliakov, VladislavSRB13222,517170
259Obradovic, MiloradSRB18491,522,521,50
2621Banjanin, JovanSRB1465118180
2723Pavlovic, Ivan LjSRB1381019,518,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)