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Winner £100 runner-up £80 rating U1900 £60, U1300 £60

Wimbledon Rapidplay 202405 Open

Last update 11.05.2024 19:14:49, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1FMRadovanovic, Jovica915912SRB2124
2Clarke, Connor457655ENG2028
3Armstrong, Alastair343445462ENG1958
4Haldane, Robin W408875ENG1900
5AIMLeung, Hao Ran6012620HKG1855
6Weiss, Oli432318ENG1835
7Blackwell, Henry495301ENG1805
8Liu, Justin2651254CAN1797
9Wastney, Dylan343112498ENG1788
10ACMKairat, Alexander498629ENG1779
11Mcdonnell, James J.2500787IRL1774
12Gonzales, Ceferino5219590PHI1644
13Pastukhov, Boris435643ENG1585
14Qiu, Yong343406432ENG1507