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Winner £100 runner-up £80 rating U1900 £60, U1300 £60

Wimbledon Rapidplay 202404 Open

Last update 06.04.2024 19:42:25, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Baker, Marcus D403660ENG2170
2CMLalic, Peter D416711ENG2048
3Rushbrooke, Remy443590ENG2039
4Andal, Edmond5225752PHI1960
5Deepak Ambattu, Rithvik2410060SCO1933
6Ghose, Rahul46673270IND1876
7Dunn, Maxim456551ENG1864
8Keohane, Ben433950ENG1844
9Soulier, Alfred486264ENG1809
10Quillaud, Maxime343272007ENG1795
11Blackwell, Henry495301ENG1789
12Devalia, Aadishesh343411886ENG1728
13Hall, Sam467499ENG1701
14Huxtable, Thomas343410561ENG1687