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Birth year: 2006, 2007, 2008

George Schools Trials 1 Under 18 Boys

Last update 03.02.2024 15:40:33, Creator/Last Upload: George J Swart

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Starting rank

1Du Plessis, Arno108072976RSA1513OHS
2Heesen, Tyler107086423RSA1340Home School
3Le Roux, Nicolaas106086419RSA1234Glenwood House
4Ehlers, Ruben107961373RSA1187OHS
5Williams, Igor1070097033RSA1180George High
6Guyo, Isheanesu1060108190RSA1008York High
7Smit, Dian1060108197RSA928OHS
8Rossouw, Liam1080131119RSA912York High
9Jordaan, Hanru108075033RSA908OHS
10Reynolds, Erwee1080097029RSA852Home School
11Erasmus, Tristan1070108193RSA813HTS Eden
12Bezuidenhout, Jacques107085304RSA784OHS
13Koopman, Avion1070131124RSA700HTS Eden
14Baard, Wian0WEG0OHS
15du Plooy, Chris0WEG0OHS
16du Toit Terblanche, Johannes0WEG0Glenwood House
17Janse van Rensburg, Juan0WEG0Glenwood House
18Jansen, Mac0WEG0George High
19Lin, Zac0WEG0Glenwood House
20Moen, Jesse0WEG0York High
21Mohammed, Ibrahim0WEG0George High
22Saayman, Jason0WEG0George High
23Siyo, Lubabalo0WEG0Inkcubeko Youth
24Taylor, Sam0WEG0Glenwood House
25Thompson, Adriaan0WEG0George High