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Brzopotezni turnir SK *Lijevce* NOVA TOPOLA 01/24

Last update 20.01.2024 20:02:02, Creator/Last Upload: SOKO0904

Starting rank list of players

1Marjanovic, Radovan14414473BIH2129
2Hrvacanin, Miodrag14411490BIH1929
5Kosic, Radovan14414368BIH1899
3Lendic, Goran14416328BIH1873
4Vidovic, Djordje14414600BIH1826
6Mesulic, Milenko14411512BIH1775
7Mikic, Ljubomir14414481BIH1637
9Kojic, Savo14427079BIH1525
8Cikic, Aleksandar14424983BIH0