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Paula Keresa piemiņas turnīrs U12 2024

Last update 20.01.2024 15:13:28, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba

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Starting rank

1Reinson, OskarEST1187Tartu
2Kalm, SimonEST1130
3Toome, OskarEST1096Tartu
4Aņins, KristapsLAT0Valka
5Astover, AleksanderEST0
6Geraskins, ArtjomsLAT0Valmiera
7Jaaniste, ErgoEST0Valga
8Kais, KristoferEST0
9Karba, KirkeEST0Tartu
10Karba, RasmusEST0Tartu
11Kruglov, Joosep EnnoEST0Tartu
12Leesik, TanelEST0Valga
13Loderaud, RasmusEST0
14Lomp, OliverEST0Valga
15Mottus, Mait MadisEST0Valga
16Saar, JaakEST0
17Soon, KasperEST0Tartu
18Svedko, ElisabetEST0Tartu
19Tikk, Mark MarcusEST0Valga