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Prijave Zoltan 063 8575255 ili Goran 065 2006687
Potvrda igranja do 17.45 prvog dana

SUBOTICA - Januarski SahArt open 19-21.01.2024

Last update 22.01.2024 10:06:23, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

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Starting rank

1Gabric, Goran936847SRB2196
2CMSkenderovic, Nikola973378SRB2185
3FMScepanovic, Labud927082SRB2067S65
4Molnar Gabor, Roland911178SRB1980
5Markovic, Milos984582SRB1896U20
6Davidov, Lazar974234SRB1838U18
7Vujnovic, Igor9221284SRB1702S50
8Esperanza, Viktor9218941SRB1676U12
9Markovic, Dusan D9227851SRB1653U12
10Randjelovic, Miroslav993301SRB1639U14
11Cavlin, Andrej9223635SRB1617U16
12Matkovic, Drazen9227860SRB1582U14
13Skupnjak, Ivan911607SRB1570
14Milenkovic, Anastazija9218992SRB1314U14
15Matkovic, Boris9232286SRB0
16Melnikov, Artem4178602RUS2041
17Mihok, AronSRB0
18Radnic, Aleksa9231271SRB0U12
19Samardzic, Sergej9231298SRB0U14
20Vojnic, Nemanja9231301SRB0U14