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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
12Gabric, GoranSRB20708,50850,5
21Copic, BrankoSRB215670748
37Markovic, MilosSRB187360648
45Matkovic, JovanSRB188460646
53Zdjelar, DjuroSRB205360552,5
66Sakic, RadislavSRB18785,50547,5
74Kuridza, TrivoSRB20065,50544,5
811Opacic, UrosSRB17175,50451
922Radnic, AleksaSRB13715,50443
1019Petrovic, Goran NSRB143050536
1110Vucelic, RadeSRB176150446
129Slavic, NikolaSRB18114,50446,5
1314Knezi, AlexSRB15504,50437
1415Samardzic, SergejSRB15384,50435,5
1516Radnic, SlavkoSRB15054,50339,5
168Djanic, IvanSRB18164,50337,5
1718Knezi, KazimirSRB146740334,5
1820Vladea, DavidSRB139640331
1921Matkovic, DrazenSRB139540233
2012Stojanovic, Marko ASRB17113,50339
2117Cevizovic, JugoslavSRB14873,50236,5
2225Esperanza, ViktorSRB131531235
2323Milenkovic, AnastazijaSRB134230134
2413Matkovic, BorisSRB163321131
2524Stojanovic, Nikola CSRB131720130,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)