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Prvenstvo ZDSSS v hitropoteznem šahu

Last update 27.01.2024 13:58:56, Creator/Last Upload: ŠS Tomo Zupan KR

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Starting rank

1Mlačnik, Franc14601923SLO1952
2Uršič, Aleksander14605635SLO1832
3Muri, Emil14601354SLO1733
4Delost, Joško14609789SLO1716
5Vaupotič, Franc14614030SLO1623
6Vertačnik, Viktor14604620SLO1602
7Lah, Janez14621401SLO1563
8Gradišek, Bor14635828SLO1548
9Čakarič, Ivica14652161SLO1517
10Čižman, Gregor14605660SLO1496
11Škerget, Zvonko14621428SLO1415
12Šajn, Drago14652153SLO1390
13Kanc, Ignacij14613646SLO1355
14Blažević, Dragan14613980SLO1342
15Kavaš, Ciril14653524SLO1323
16Harter, Rudolf14657392SLO1274
17Čuček, Franc14653516SLO1170
18Čater, Sergej14669196SLO0
19Lekše, DragoSLO0
20Mlakar, BarbaraSLO0
21Potočnik, Janez14614014SLO0
22Repa, Denis14669218SLO0
23Virant, Nejc14669226SLO0
24Žalar, MitjaSLO0