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"Πρωτοχρονιά 2024"

Last update 07.01.2024 12:58:24, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Koumis, Filippos4263510GRE1554
2Theodoroglakis, Ioannis25861441GRE1325
3Loukakis, Nikolaos25861310GRE1259
4Vakali, Elli25882309GRE1253
5Stavroulakis, Nikolaos25852868GRE1235
6Kissamitakis, Efstratios25886410GRE1210
7Xenakis, Charles25869736GRE1202
8Aleiferi, Aikaterini25829343GRE1192
9Latos, Dimitrios42105951GRE1091
10Theodoroglaki, Varvara25882333GRE1085
11Sifogiannakis, Georgios25835599GRE1035
12Archontakis, Ioannis42106281GRE0
13Meletaki, Angeliki42143365GRE0