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Promodraj Moree-9844042170

Forest Department State level Mens Classical Chess Tournament 2023

Last update 05.01.2024 13:19:59, Creator/Last Upload: Promodraj Moree

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Starting rank

2Amrut Gowda,IND0Dharwad
3Anil Kumar S,IND0Shimoga
5Bharat U G,IND0Chamarajanagara
6Channaveeresh Ganagera,IND0Kodagu
7D, VenkateshIND0Bellary
8Kiran, A LIND0Hassan
9Mallikarjuna, AIND0Bangalore
10Manjunath, DileppabarkiIND0Hassan
11Mohammed Mujeebuddin,IND0Kalaburgi
12Naveen, PatilIND0Kanara
13Parashuram, MadarIND0Bangalore
14Ravi, TharihalliIND0Kodagu
15Raviraj, M KIND0Chikmagalur
16Sachin Patil,IND0Kanara
17Sangamesh, N PrabhakarIND0Belgaum
18Sanganna, BiradarIND0Dharwad
19Santoshkumar Nippani,IND0Kalaburgi
20Satheesha, H CIND0Mysore
21Shivappa, S HavanurIND0Mangalore
22Siddaram, GoudanurIND0Belgaum
23Syed, Rizwan BashaIND0Bellary
24Yamunappa Balappamelavanki,IND0Chamarajanagara