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Champion: GM Das Sayantan, RSPB
1st Runner-up: GM Ghosh Diptayan, RSPB
2nd Runner-up: IM Sambit Panda, Odisha

Norm Achievers
IM Norm: Vignesh, Advaith Vemula, Telangana
IM Norm: CM Soham, Kamotra, Jammu and Kashmir
IM Norm: Aquino, Jethro Dino, Philippines
WIM Norm: WFM Nilssen, Ellen Fredericia, Denmark

1st SOA International Grandmasters Chess Festival 2024 # Category 'A' (1900 & Above)

Last update 04.02.2024 11:40:35, Creator/Last Upload: scsbadal

Player overview for VIE

22GMNguyen Van Huy2364VIE11½½101½½½6,512Category A

Results of the last round for VIE

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
GMNguyen Van Huy23646 ½ - ½6 GMSavchenko Boris2489

Player details for VIE

GM Nguyen Van Huy 2364 VIE Rp:2339 Pts. 6,5
170Kumar Gaurav1953IND6s 1
276AFMPawar Harshit1945IND4,5w 1
337Aakash Sharadchandra Dalvi2180IND6s ½
41GMGhosh Diptayan2568IND7,5w ½
590Jake Shanty1903IND4,5s 1
69IMTahbaz Arash2425IRI6,5w 0
755Vrashank Chouhan2046IND5,5s 1
817Subhayan Kundu2385IND6,5w ½
915IMRitviz Parab2391IND6s ½
104GMSavchenko Boris2489RUS6,5w ½