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Jeffreys Bay CC Nov Rapid 3

Last update 30.11.2023 18:47:27, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 162)

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Starting rank

1AFMRishworth, JustinRSA1520
2Persent, GavinRSA1438
3Stuurman, PedroRSA1269
4Abercrombie, KeithRSA1259
5Salie, RiazRSA1206
6Tshikosi, MashuduRSA1160
7Krieger, BrianRSA1031
8Jansen Van Rensburg, San-MarieRSA882
9De Lange, EdelineRSA829
10Stuurman, CaydeeRSA817
11Maziena, LavanyaRSA765
12De Villiers, DwaineRSA757
13Kammies, MontellRSA755
14Kammies, ArnoRSA700
15Barendse, RaydonRSA683
16Hendricks, ZaydenRSA675
17Barendse, JeanRSA648
18Barendse, KevronRSA500