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Central University Inter Department competions & Selections November 2023

Last update 03.12.2023 15:58:40, Creator/Last Upload: Promodraj Moree

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Starting rank

1A S Saichanti,IND0Geography
2Abhilash Lingala,IND0Mathematics
3Adithyan Rajan,IND0Physics
4Aditya Singh,IND0Electirial Eng
5Amit Kumar,IND0BBA
6Ankit Kumar,IND0Engineering
7Chaitan,IND0B Tech
8Dipak Singh,IND0Physics
9G Ramesh,IND0MA Economics
10G Ramudu,IND0Geology
11G Shiva Raju,IND0M SC Chemistry
12Gopinathan S,IND0Physics
13M Eshwar,IND0Physics
14M Shree Jai Krishna,IND0BSc Life Science
15N Naveen,IND0Economics
16Pavan Basawar,IND0Engineering
17S Rajiv Lochan,IND0Dept of Economics
18Vaibhav Chhajer,IND0Mathematics
19Vikas Kumar,IND0Computer Science
20Y Banu Prakash,IND0BA Economics