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Kobyliský koník 2023-2024 2. turnaj

Last update 26.11.2023 17:53:09, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of the Czech Republic

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Starting rank

1Tereshonkov, Stanislav23762420CZE1005TJ Kobylisy
2Beneš, OndřejCZE0
3Bochenin, LevCZE0TJ Kobylisy
4Ledvina, Adam23754117CZE0TJ Kobylisy
5Minárik, JánCZE0TJ Kobylisy
6Mináriková, KatarínaCZE0
7Navrátil, SebastianCZE0TJ Kobylisy
8Vyšín, OndřejCZE0