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2023 GCT Saint Louis Rapid and Blitz - Rapid

Last update 17.11.2023 00:39:55, Creator/Last Upload: ctservices

Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED12345678910 TB1 
1GMRobson, Ray2596USA*½½½1½110½5,5
2GMCaruana, Fabiano2765USA½*½1½½0½½15
GMVachier-Lagrave, Maxime2771FRA½½*½½½½½1½5
4GMLe, Quang Liem2652VIE½0½*½½½0114,5
GMSevian, Samuel2581USA0½½½*011½½4,5
GMGiri, Anish2697NED½½½½1*0½½½4,5
GMFirouzja, Alireza2742FRA01½½01*½½½4,5
GMNepomniachtchi, Ian2789FID0½½10½½*1½4,5
9GMSo, Wesley2753USA1½00½½½0*½3,5
GMXiong, Jeffery2727USA½0½0½½½½½*3,5

Tie Break1: points (game-points)