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48th Guernsey International Chess Festival - Open Tournament

Last update 19.10.2024 16:34:03, Creator/Last Upload: Guernsey Chess Federation

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Round 4 on 2024/10/16 at 14:00

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
13WFMSmith, Olivia2106 1 - 03 GMArkell, Keith C23731
27Dilleigh, Stephen P2029 ½ - ½ FMGiulian, Philip M20595
34Johnsen, Gunnar20712 1 - 0 CMThurlow, Kevin J20029
42WGMToma, Katarzyna21652 1 - 02 Agustsson, Hafsteinn176331
519Canonne, Antoine19102 0 - 12 CMKirby, Peter J.199810
66Krueger, Norbert2032 ½ - ½ Heppell, Ian N193018
721Hoogakker, Peter1907 0 - 1 Curtis, John E20218
823CMRowe, Peter1887 ½ - ½ Collier, David O198812
914Wager, John D1980 1 - 0 Matthews, Gabriel191020
1015FMHamperl, Fred1970 0 - 1 Giulian, Rosemary A189422
1116Strade, Arita1949 1 - 0 De Kruif, Kees186824
1217Dijksterhuis, Rolf1937 1 - 0 CMForbes, Garry185226
1327Downey, Keith18291 ½ - ½1 Andrechak, Sean198213
1425Marceil, Jean1862½ ½ - ½1 FMWaddington, Mike P198811
1532Rowe, Oliver1721½ ½ - ½½ Krueger, Malte182128
1629Morgan, Jamie1807½ 1 - 0½ Warner, Nicholas179630