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48th Guernsey International Chess Festival - Open Tournament

Last update 19.10.2024 16:34:03, Creator/Last Upload: Guernsey Chess Federation

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
116Strade, AritaGCI19495,50526,5
22WGMToma, KatarzynaENG21655,50429
31GMArkell, Keith CENG237350531
43WFMSmith, OliviaWLS210650431
54Johnsen, GunnarNOR207150429
610CMKirby, Peter J.GCI199850327
77Dilleigh, Stephen PENG20294,50331
85FMGiulian, Philip MSCO205940327
917Dijksterhuis, RolfNED193740326
1015FMHamperl, FredGCI197040322,5
1111FMWaddington, Mike PENG198840321,5
126Krueger, NorbertGER203240225
139CMThurlow, Kevin JENG20023,50328
1414Wager, John DENG19803,50325,5
1529Morgan, JamieGCI18073,50321
1620Matthews, GabrielIRL19103,50319,5
1718Heppell, Ian NENG19303,50228
1823CMRowe, PeterGCI18873,50223
198Curtis, John EENG20213,50124
2012Collier, David OENG19883,50023
2119Canonne, AntoineFRA191030225
2222Giulian, Rosemary ASCO189430224,5
2325Marceil, JeanFRA186230224
2430Warner, NicholasENG179630219,5
2524De Kruif, KeesNED186830124,5
2631Agustsson, HafsteinnISL17632,50129
2728Krueger, MalteGER18212,50121
2813Andrechak, SeanUSA19822,50018,5
2921Hoogakker, PeterNED190720,5119,5
3027Downey, KeithWLS182920,5119,5
3126CMForbes, GarryJCI18521,50122,5
3232Rowe, OliverGCI172110018,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Number of wins including byes (WIN)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)