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Lardies Open Tournament C Section

Last update 28.10.2023 18:09:43, Creator/Last Upload: Yolandé Sutil

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Starting rank

1Theron, Lydia1184
2Hayward, Stuart1170
3Badenhorst, Michael1137
4Theron, Carla1129
5Bloem, James1116
6Kruger, Hendrik1111
7Oosthuizen, Johann1076
8Shibambu, Khenso1059
9Barkhuizen, Simon1028
10Ngobeni, Njabulo1023
11Grobler, Donovan1018
12Naude, Johan1011
13Stols, Nathan1011
14Mathebula, Godwill997
15Elvin, David996
16Sithole, Lwandle994
17Oosthuizen, Ludrick968
18Van Wyk, Jonathan932
19Janse Van Rensburg, Josh924
20Mann, Iowan917
21Du Plessis, Mia914
22Truscott, Adriaan913
23Minny, Oban910
24van Niekerk, Reuben900
25Buchner, Emil891
26Van Zyl, Sanli891
27Roos, Ewan885
28Horn, Renier884
29Coetzee, Marko879
30Erasmus, Jaco878
31Roberts, Frans-Leigh857
32Karsten, Chay848