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FIDE World Amateur Chess Championship Open U 2300

Last update 14.11.2023 08:37:11, Creator/Last Upload: Asian Chess federation

Player overview for PAR

34Barrientos Ernesto2014PAR1100½111½68Open U 2300
9CMHeinichen R. John Derek1951PAR1101½1½1½6,56Open U 2000
74WCMOviedo Acosta Paula1639PAR00111½0003,564Open U 2000
21Gomez Osmar1634PAR110½010115,543Open U 1700

Results of the last round for PAR

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
Fandi Mazen.17906 ½ - ½6 CMHeinichen R. John Derek1951
WCMOviedo Acosta Paula1639 0 - 1 Tardi Oscar1760
Asanakunov Zhumagazy1982 ½ - ½ Barrientos Ernesto2014
Gomez Osmar1634 1 - 0 Kuchiishi Yudai1332

Player details for PAR

CM Heinichen R. John Derek 1951 PAR Rp:1974 Pts. 6,5
152Yaser Ali Al Areqi1752YEM2,5w 1
242WCMAvila Bautista Teresa Ale1808MEX4s 1
333Amarsaikhan Dashtogtokh1836MGL9s 0
441Al Dosari Naif1811KSA3,5w 1
548Ravil Pernekhan1764KAZ6,5w ½
654Al Harthy Faisel1746KSA3,5s 1
714Khazhatuly Alikhan1930KAZ6,5w ½
834CMEbenezer Joseph1831IND5,5s 1
944Fandi Mazen.1790SYR6,5s ½
WCM Oviedo Acosta Paula 1639 PAR Rp:1774 Pts. 3,5
131Zeid Jreikh .1839SYR5s 0
245Benkhoucha Samy1778ALG4w 0
351Roehrig Uwe1757GER1,5s 1
418Elwali Gismalla1900SUD3w 1
527Ahmed Ibrahim Moh1846SUD5s 1
613Badamkhand Norovsambuu1937MGL6,5w ½
721AIMAborezika Mohamed1881LBA4,5s 0
83Voronenkov Sergey1986FID5w 0
950Tardi Oscar1760FRA4,5w 0
Barrientos Ernesto 2014 PAR Rp:2041 Pts. 6
169Al Muharbi Imran1353OMA2- 1K
215Anadkat Kartavya2147IND7w 1
313CMSodbilegt Naranbold2151MGL6,5s 0
414CMEgorov Konstantin2149FID5,5s 0
562Alhejab Meshal1598KUW4,5w ½
657Al Jabri Rashid1723OMA3,5s 1
758Prishita Gupta1696IND4w 1
819FMNsubuga Haruna2118UGA5,5w 1
940Asanakunov Zhumagazy1982KGZ6s ½
Gomez Osmar 1634 PAR Rp:1425 Pts. 5,5
1116Al Aidaroosi Mohamed1166YEM5w 1
276Al Habsi Sultan Mohamed1440OMA2s 1
388Todmunkh Turbat1341MGL6,5w 0
475Sinan Shafeek1444FID5,5s ½
578AFMMuhammad Shayan Noushad Ibrahim1420IND6,5w 0
6104Abdulla Ateeq Alremaeithi1236UAE4,5s 1
766Mohammed Al Ryami1479OMA5,5w 0
8100Ahmad Saif1248QAT4,5s 1
990Kuchiishi Yudai1332JPN4,5w 1