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FIDE World Amateur Chess Championship Open U 2300

Last update 14.11.2023 08:37:11, Creator/Last Upload: Asian Chess federation

Player overview for EGY

6FMFadi Marko2221EGY11½011½1173Open U 2300

Results of the last round for EGY

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
FMFadi Marko22216 1 - 06 FMBuchnicek Petr2219

Player details for EGY

FM Fadi Marko 2221 EGY Rp:2284 Pts. 7
141Bartakke Amardeep S.1963IND5,5s 1
233Ababneh Ghayth2018JOR4w 1
339Bauyrzhan Arnash1993KAZ5s ½
437Mahindrakar Indrajeet2000IND6,5w 0
512CMAl-Aqrabi Saleh2164YEM4,5s 1
644Aldar Burentegsh1927MGL5,5w 1
725FMMuhammed Shuaau2072MDV6,5w ½
89Romero Calduch Sergio2216ESP6s 1
97FMBuchnicek Petr2219CZE6w 1