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The Major u1900 section has now been combined into the Open.
There will be an additional u1900 grading prize.

Lancaster ECF Rapid Play Feb 2024 Open

Last update 18.02.2024 18:54:02, Creator/Last Upload: Freshwak

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Starting rank

1IMSarakauskas Gediminas26129912800724LTU23534ncl Guildford
2Surtees Mike J119904412619ENG2120Great Lever
3Armstrong Malcolm J105843409049ENG2085Cumbria *
4Hymer Barry J148377452238ENG2028Lancaster
5WFMJalloul Maya3046725300800LBN2003Lebanon
6Taylor Steve181579ENG1974Lancaster University
7Lampard Alice2755632402750SCO1971Bristol University
8Cooper Neill234560413410ENG1939Castles
9Shaw Kevin0ENG1937
10Kryshtafor Maksym34789334129227UKR1916Eagle And Child
11Elgar Tim346760343413285ENG1910Ashton
12Parry Samuel A306723460397ENG1903Cheddleton & Leek
13Seery Philip T118673343401473ENG1879Bare Village
14Mckiernan James350104ENG1854Lancaster
15Mcmenamin Danny289047343405878ENG1844Lancaster
16Hutchinson Joel331360343404090ENG1759Bury
17Garrett Peter A135991420611ENG1817Waterloo