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Ciklus klubskih turnirjev Tomo Zupan - oktober

Last update 06.10.2023 20:42:29, Creator/Last Upload: ŠS Tomo Zupan KR

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Starting rank

1Kosmac, Blaz14603012SLO2127
2Bobnar, Samo14637413SLO1884
3Susnik, Matej14600846SLO1864
4Demsar, Maks14634805SLO1822
5Muri, Emil14601354SLO1724
6Zoletic, Admir14642034SLO1436
7Jeler, Lan14634600SLO1397
8Vercic, Martin14659468SLO0
9Zevnik, JakobSLO0