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Blitzturnier-Serie 2023/24 im Schachklub Ottakring Turnier 3

Last update 07.12.2023 21:16:31, Creator/Last Upload: HR. KAWEH KRISTOF

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Starting rank

1FMKundianok, Vladislav44157819RUS22520
2Seyhanoglu, Deniz6302572TUR21002140Sc Donaustadt
3Wetscherek, Gerhard1602152AUT202220351. Sk Ottakring
4Radnaev, Leo1673688AUT19001748U14Tschaturanga
5Archan, Elikya1680838AUT186716561. Sk Ottakring
6Schneider, Aron1696882HUN18630Sk Hietzing
7Fichtinger, Christian Mag.1621955AUT18621831
8Abadjian, Vahram Dr.1683438AUT18471611Sc Polyglott L.S.
9Stinner, David1677365AUT18251961Sc Polyglott L.S.
10Mikhelson, Sam39940080USA18000
11Krejcar, Walter1626043AUT17611648Sc Polyglott L.S.
12Reisinger, Heinz DI.1613413AUT16781672Sk Hietzing
13Radnaev, Mikael1673432AUT16291358U14Tschaturanga
14Mönius, Thomas16253442GER16271781
15Barama, Nail7910630ALG16090
16Peristy, Luke2605481CAN155416551. Sk Ottakring
17Schlepper, Yannik34621490GER150912861. Sk Ottakring
18Arnim-Ellissen, Jakob1697889AUT00
19Diachenko, Mark1696912AUT00U14