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Blitzturnier-Serie 2023/24 im Schachklub Ottakring Turnier 1

Last update 19.10.2023 21:27:38, Creator/Last Upload: HR. KAWEH KRISTOF

Starting rank list of players

7FMKundianok, Vladislav44157819RUS2113
3Stickler, Florentin1684752AUT1994
12WCMMyagmarsuren, Mandukai4902246MGL1933
11Stinner, David1677365AUT1907
1Herter, Leonhard24697745GER1787
4Archan, Elikya1680838AUT1769
8Guzman Vasquez, Juan David4471342COL1741
13Krejcar, Walter1626043AUT1726
6Gruber, Philip1684213AUT1593
5Nicolussi, Hieronymus1677012AUT1548
9Matzka, Moritz1667840AUT1528
2Avramov, Maxim1695290AUT0
10Misimovic, Nikola1696122AUT0