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Sakkmatyi Sakksuli Kupa Grund64 2023.09. A-B csoport

Last update 24.09.2023 14:34:51, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
111Mátyás-M., LehelHUN0702624,5
28Jermilova, ArinaHUN05,503027
310Máté Kovács, BenedekHUN05028,526,5
42Bíró, EnikőHUN0402826
59Kálmán, DénesHUN04024,524,5
64Déri, Dávid AjándokHUN04022,522,5
712Molnár, IllésHUN03,502727
85Fenyvesi, DánielHUN0312424
97Hégli, KristófHUN03020,520,5
101Bebesi, Boglárka RékaHUN0202121
113Bojtár, EndreHUN0102121
126Gergely, NorbertHUN0002119,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)