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Caissa Hotel Chess Tournament – Lemon Group

Last update 09.09.2023 19:55:51, Creator/Last Upload: Izmir TCF

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Team-Composition with round-results

  1. Team B (RtgAvg:2498, TB1: 18 / TB2: 14)
1GMRasulov, Vugar2538AZE134023901½1½½11117,59236897,56,421,081010,8
2GMBryakin, Mikhail2481SRB4165314½1½1½½101692368965,810,19101,9
3GMShanava, Konstantine2474GEO1360178410110½0½½4,59236894,55,74-1,2410-12,4
  2. Team D (RtgAvg:2456, TB1: 17 / TB2: 13)
1IMTiglon, Bryce2489USA20874561½11½½1½½6,59238196,55,720,78107,8
2IMPoormosavi, Seyed Kian2374IRI1258580700½½11001492381944,39-0,3910-3,9
3IMCan, Isik2506TUR6383742½110½1½116,59238196,55,910,59105,9
  3. Team A (RtgAvg:2347, TB1: 10 / TB2: 5)
1IMAkbas, Umut Ata2443TUR445726460½0½0½1103,59241893,54,78-1,2810-12,8
2WGMYakubbaeva, Nilufar2322UZB14204487½0½1½½01½4,59241894,53,381,122022,4
3FMOzsakallioglu, Okan2277TUR6367011010010000292418922,90-0,9020-18
  4. Team C (RtgAvg:2299, TB1: 9 / TB2: 4)
1Celik, Ali Alper2192TUR445699550½00001001,59243491,51,87-0,3740-14,8
2IMCelik, Hasan Huseyin2412TUR4450675911½½1½½1½6,59243496,54,212,291022,9
3Kuru, Atilla2294TUR51607948½000½0000192434912,87-1,8740-74,8