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Birjand rapid 1402/06/10

Last update 01.09.2023 23:31:52, Creator/Last Upload: IA Mr. Javad Mizani

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Rank after Round 5

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
13Niksima, AhmadIRI15105011,510,5
21Zamani, MortezaIRI151840118,5
32Gholami, AliIRI15144010,58
419pasban, abolfazlIRI0408,58
516Motamedi Poor, ArashIRI03,50106,5
66Alizadeh, AbolfazlIRI1004301310
79Dastgerdi, ArshiyaIRI030119,5
818Nemati, KasraIRI0309,57
98Alizadeh, EmadIRI02,50108,5
104Majnoon, Amir MohammadIRI11952,50108
1120Pasban, PooriyaIRI02,509,57,5
1210eydi, MerajIRI02,509,57,5
1315Khayat, RohamIRI02,5097,5
1412Golsorkhi, MostafaIRI02010,58
1514Khayat, ParhamIRI020106,5
1611Ghalami, Mohammad AminIRI02075,5
1713hasan abadi, mohamad tahaIRI01,5096,5
1822Shahriyari, ErfanIRI01,508,57
1921Salehi, SamyarIRI01,507,56
207Alizadeh, AsmaIRI01,5075,5
2117nateghi, mohammad yasinIRI0107,56,5
225Azadeh, AminIRI1155006,54,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)