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Rockadens Öppna Onsdagskamp HT 2023

Last update 08.12.2023 22:10:03, Creator/Last Upload: Stockholms Schackförbund

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Round 6 on 2023/11/08 at 18:00

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
11Bryntze, Stefan22365 ½ - ½ Todorovic, Zoran19982
23Bergman, Nils1843 1 - 0 Sergelenbaatar, Khaschuluu18334
37Molin, Nils1665 1 - 03 Ohlsson, Andreas16986
412Jonsson, Kåre02 + - -2 Silins, Peter17985
59Nödtveidt, Svante13662 1 - 02 Hellman, Sten14648
610Kalingas, Dimitris13522 1 - 02 Lundberg, Martin013
715Shah, Jinaay01 1 - 01 Malmgren, Marcus014
811Ghimessy, Valerie01 1 bye