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1st Rishi Vijayakumar £250
2nd Mike Surtees £100
3rd Ethan Norris £50
Rating Prize U2000= Anusha Subramanian, John Wareing & Robert Newton

The 15th Leyland Chess Congress - FIDE Open

Last update 28.08.2023 22:26:09, Creator/Last Upload: David Clayton

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Starting rank

1FMJackson, Oliver A403156ENG2107
2Orlovska, Madara11601825LAT2088
3WFMRichmond, Jane1800183WLS2072
4Surtees, Mike J412619ENG2059
5Peacock, Malcolm R414611ENG2013
6Jackson, Edward464635ENG1942
7Samarasinghe Jude, Ranga9900535SRI1921
8Evans, Paul A416258ENG1918
9Newton, Robert A406775ENG1918
10Doran, Chris503835ENG1913
11Vijayakumar, Rishi2408953SCO1899
12Bourne, Johnathan D413232ENG1897
13AIMSubramanian, Anusha477710ENG1894
14Pink, Joshua424790ENG1890
15Burns, Martin J420123ENG1874
16Wareing, John P410454ENG1861
17Hepworth, Peter447846ENG1827
18Potter, Steven415626ENG1753
19Seery, Philip T343401473ENG1748
20Chan, Michelle (Ngo Yu)66202299ENG1642
21AFMNorris, Ethan343403409ENG2062Atherton