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2023 Etienne Lewis Closed Tournament U18/U20

Last update 27.08.2023 17:33:42, Creator/Last Upload: Yolandé Sutil

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Starting rank

1Vather, Shayur14321610RSA1410
2Lodi, Neo14339978RSA1369
3Kruger, Neeke14351633RSA1258
4Amrouni, Alexia Shakira14333473RSA1222
5Legodi, Keorapetse14351641RSA1140
6Lodi, Isagoentle14338840RSA1105
7Grobler, Johannes Theodo14351617RSA1089
8Crause, Mynhardt14342090RSA1080
9Setshedi, Neo14340143RSA1364
10Ponquett, Joshua Josh14373807RSA1166
11Venter, Zanri14333414RSA1113
12Nel, Armand14327511RSA1102
13Jansen, van Vuuren Luan14362333RSA1047
14Gopaul, Shivek14328054RSA1038
15Mokone, Oratile14342049RSA1029
16Hanslo, KevinRSA1025
17Durand, AlbertRSA1017
18Ngobeni, NjabuloRSA993
19Mashaba, SibusisoRSA969
20Shoko, John LincolnRSA966
21Nel, Alvaro Constantine14375915RSA965
22Swindell, ReeseRSA957
23Setumo, TlouRSA948
24Du Toit, Bonicia BiancaRSA932
25Bhula, Shyam HiteshRSA910
26Grahan, Chie-Ann14362295RSA888
27Burger, Christiaan Theu14365634RSA885
28Burger, Izak Ulrich14362341RSA851
29Makaleng, MosaRSA846
30Van Zyl, BrendoRSA825
31Mathe, ThabangRSA803
32Stander, Lizanne14373823RSA768
33Tivane, LeboRSA711
34Monyamane, Karabo PalesaRSA696
35Nthle, PalesaRSA693