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Hull 4NCL Congress 2023 Open

Last update 10.09.2023 20:51:28, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk. NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd TB1 
CMTurner Max N2336ENG 33b1 30w½ 14w1 3b1 4w½4
Varley Joe2125ENG 28b½ 38w½ 40w1 30b1 13w14
GMHebden Mark L2504ENG 16w1 7b½ 18b1 1w0 19b13,5
GMGormally Daniel W2487ENG 32b½ 8w½ 35w1 31b1 1b½3,5
GMWells Peter K2358ENG 17w0 36b½ 45b1 27w1 20b13,5
Verma Aditya2276ENG 26b1 31w½ 30w½ 17b½ 22w13,5
FMBritton Richard2201ENG 37b1 3w½ 11w1 9b½ 8w½3,5
Phillips David2069ENG 4b½ 12b1 10w1 7b½3,5
Southcott-Moyers Indy2230ENG 34w½ 25b½ 24b1 7w½ 17b½3
Carroll Thomas2223ENG 39b1 14w½ 17w½ 8b0 33w13
Ther Mate2221ENG 43w1 15b½ 7b0 16w½ 35b13
Cooper John G2193ENG 40b½ 32w½ 8w0 39b1 37w13
Milson Samuel A2166ENG 27b½ 34b1 15w1 2b03
Ackley Peter2113ENG 46w1 10b½ 1b0 18w½ 38b13
Burnett Jim2097ENG 42b1 11w½ 29w½ 13b0 30w13
Krzyzanowski Patryk2090POL 3b0 37w½ 42w1 11b½ 29w13
Yu Hongyi2063CHN 5b1 18b½ 10b½ 6w½ 9w½3
Okhai Shabir2215ENG 36b1 17w½ 3w0 14b½ 24w½2,5
FMWalker Martin G2212ENG 27w½ 34b½ 25b1 22w½ 3w02,5
Ciuravin Andrei2178ENG 35w½ 32w½ 26b1 5w02,5
Buanne Luca2170ENG 44b½ 27b0 36w1 28w½2,5
Arora Tashika2135ENG 40w½ 28w1 19b½ 6b02,5
Samarakoon Vivash2108SRI 28w½ 38w½ 29b½ 27b½2,5
Zhu Yaoyao2054ENG 29w½ 9w0 32b1 18b½2,5
Skettos Nicolas2042CYP 29b½ 9w½ 19w0 37b½ 39w12,5
Ravikumar Pranava2030IND 6w0 41b½ 46b1 20w0 42b12,5
Collinson Mark I1961ENG 19b½ 13w½ 21w1 5b0 23w½2,5
Mize Dylan1916USA 2w½ 23b½ 22b0 46w1 21b½2,5
Bulford Michael J2285ENG 25w½ 24b½ 15b½ 23w½ 16b02
Chan Sheng Liang Bernard2194MAS 45w1 1b½ 6b½ 2w0 15b02
Subramanian Anusha2144ENG 41w1 6b½ 4w0 -02
Larchikov Maksym2072UKR 4w½ 12b½ 20b½ 24w0 34b½2
Pal Rohan2059ENG 1w0 45b½ 36b½ 43w1 10b02
Brencher Paul2007ENG 9b½ 19w½ 13w0 38b½ 32w½2
Bedi Adam1991ENG 20b½ 4b0 45w1 11w02
Raynes Paul1962ENG 18w0 5w½ 33w½ 21b0 41b12
Rich Ben S1961ENG 7w0 16b½ 43b1 25w½ 12b02
Sheppard Derek A1715ENG 2b½ 23b½ 34w½ 14w02
Parry Samuel A1999ENG 10w0 46b½ 41b1 12w0 25b01,5
Walker Jack1934ENG 12w½ 22b½ 2b0 41w0 43b½1,5
Ilett Raymond J1929ENG 31b0 26w½ 39w0 40b1 36w01,5
Bhatia Kanishka1660SCO 15w0 43b½ 16b0 -1 26w01,5
Chesters Graham1996ENG 11b0 42w½ 37w0 33b0 40w½1
Gardiner Eric D1982ENG 21w½ -0 -0 -01
Rich Aaron1946ENG 30b0 33w½ 5w0 35b0 46w½1
Bettley Andrew D1787ENG 14b0 39w½ 26w0 28b0 45b½1
Mollison Jamie1939SCO -0 -0 -0 -0 -00

Tie Break1: points (game-points)