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Robatkarim Rapid Mordad 1402 Table A

Last update 18.08.2023 21:56:10, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 91)

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Starting rank

1Amikhteh, Amer12509973IRI1986
2Taj, Hamid32717830IRI1837
3Azbaghi, Enayat12511340IRI1783
4Sousani, Alireza22520880IRI1583
5Shojaee, Hasan42749301IRI1362
6Rezaee Zadeh, Abolfazl32779992IRI1326
7Hemmati, Houmaan36797820IRI1243
8Agharafiei, Arshiya22513167IRI1233
9Salmani, Fatemeh42754070IRI1144
10Zarifian, AbbasIRI0
11Ahmadi, Amir MasoudIRI0
12Koohkan, Asghar12572012IRI0
13Amanii, Mohamad HoseinIRI0
14Mahdavi, Taha36789933IRI0