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Joint 1st & 2nd Bogdan Lalic and Keith Arkell (£375)
GP under 2050 Edward Jackson (£75)

Manchester Summer Congress FIDE Open Harry Lamb Memorial

Last update 20.08.2023 19:45:05, Creator: Manchester Junior Chess (License 2),Last Upload: Manchester Junior Chess (License 1)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMArkell Keith C2373ENG 10b½ 25w1 22w1 7b1 16b14,50415
2GMLalic Bogdan2346CRO 21w1 39b1 3w1 11b½ 5w14,50414,5
3AFMNorris Ethan0ENG 52w+ 27w1 2b0 18w1 19b140414,5
4Jackson Edward1942ENG 45w1 8w1 6b½ 16w½ 14b140312,5
5Vijayakumar Rishi1899SCO 44w1 14b1 7b½ 6w1 2b03,50315
6Surtees Mike J2059ENG 38w1 23b1 4w½ 5b0 24w13,50314,5
7Gordon Sean2039SCO 49w1 34b1 5w½ 1w0 26b13,50313
8Lambert Adrien2114FRA 40w1 4b0 43w1 21b½ 22w13,50312,5
9WFMLongson Sarah N2016ENG 23w0 30b1 34w1 31b1 10w½3,50312
10Gomez Daniel1928ENG 1w½ 46b1 24w1 12b½ 9b½3,50215,5
11FMMacklin Paul2321ENG 29b½ 35w1 26b1 2w½ 13b½3,50215
12James Russell A2096ENG 35b½ 29w1 19b½ 10w½ 21b13,50213,5
13Dietiker Manuel1967SUI 33w½ 43b½ 23w1 32b1 11w½3,50212
14Paterson Andrew I2024ENG 31b+ 5w0 25b1 36w+ 4w030314,5
15Sanada Tetsuaki1618JPN 17w0 21b0 49w1 43b+ 35b130310
16FMAshton Adam G2314ENG 41w1 17b½ 33w1 4b½ 1w030215
17Song Ran1987CHN 15b1 16w½ 18b½ 19w0 34b130213
18Mize Dylan1739USA 37b1 17w½ 3b0 32w130213
19Ridge Benjamin1770SCO 47w½ 48b1 12w½ 17b1 3w030212
20Holland Christopher2094GCI 43w½ 22b0 46w1 33b½ 31w130210,5
21Sajanani Vikas1920ENG 2b0 15w1 27b1 8w½ 12w02,50216
22Arora Tashika1836ENG 20w1 1b0 28w1 8b02,50216
23Obi Okwose Marc1795ENG 9b1 6w0 13b0 25w½ 42b12,50214,5
24Ashton Alannah1499ENG 28w1 10b0 42w1 6b02,50213,5
25Hutchinson Joel1875ENG 36w1 1b0 14w0 23b½ 33w12,50213,5
26Ridge Michael1789SCO 48w½ 47b1 11w0 37b1 7w02,50211
27Hepworth Peter1827ENG 32w1 3b0 21w0 40b½ 43b+2,50211
28Burns Martin J1874ENG 24b0 47w1 22b0 39w12,50210,5
29Mccarthy Damian1857ENG 11w½ 12b0 44w½ 41b½ 40w12,50111,5
30Taylor Mark1643ENG 39b0 9w0 38b½ -1 41w12,5019,5
31Parry Samuel1796ENG 14w- 49b1 41w1 9w0 20b020212
32Raynes Paul2062ENG 27b0 38w1 40b1 13w0 18b020212
33Patel Keatan1579ENG 13b½ 42w1 16b0 20w½ 25b020113,5
34Nyamandi Langutani Lucas1286RSA -1 7w0 9b0 48b1 17w020112,5
35Jaszkiwskyj Peter1865ENG 12w½ 11b0 37w½ 45b1 15w020112
36Fellowes Billy1827ENG 25b0 -1 39w1 14b- -020112
37Mulleady Peter J1935ENG 18w0 35b½ 26w0 45b120110,5
38Walia Shulin1825IND 6b0 32b0 30w½ 44b½ 48w12019,5
39Sykes Chris1989SCO 30w1 2w0 36b0 28b01,50113,5
40Kobryn Peter J1883ENG 8b0 44b1 32w0 27w½ 29b01,50111,5
41Ortiz Sanchez Luis1905WLS 16b0 45w1 31b0 29w½ 30b01,50110,5
42Newton Robert A1918ENG 33b0 48w1 24b0 23w01,50110
43Vassiliou Chris1859CYP 20b½ 13w½ 8b0 15w- 27w-10014,5
44Rawlinson Aidan M2174ENG 5b0 40w0 29b½ 38w½ -010011,5
45Llewellyn Alan M1489WLS 4b0 41b0 -1 35w0 37w010010,5
46Wedge David C1689ENG 10w0 20b0 -0 -00,50012,5
47Wainwright Andrew C1996ENG 19b½ 26w0 28b0 -0 -00,50011,5
48Furness Robert M2009ENG 26b½ 19w0 42b0 34w0 38b00,50010,5
49Nkwonta Kelechukwu1951ENG 7b0 31w0 15b0 -0 -000011
50Garcia-Ruiz Fuentes Aitor1999ESP -0 -0 -0 -0 -000010
SanJani Vikas1914ENG -0 -0 -0 -0 -000010
Kennedy Craig1784SCO 3b- -0 -0 -0 -000010
Lampard Alice1731SCO -0 -0 -0 -0 -000010
AIMBowman Richard L1644ENG -0 -0 -0 -0 -000010

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)